Online participation and digital literacy
I really enjoy the topic for this first two weeks of the ONL course, Online participation and digital literacy . It is great to work together with the members of my group and to learn more from and together with them. I’m really looking forward to our journey through this course . I have had to do with online participation and digital literacy for the past 10 years. In 2010 working as a principal at a secondary school, I had the opportunity to be one of the schools in Luleå who got computers to every student. We were pilots and no one really knew what challenges we were going to struggle so there were a lot of learning by doing. This journey made me very aware of how important digital literacy are for everyone and that it is important to learn the difference between personal and private on the internet. Who am I as an individual in the digital age? What about my own digital literacy and my identity on the web? As an individual in the digital age, I´m always curious on...