
Lessons learnt – future practice

  It is almost three months since I started my ONL-journey, and I will try to summarize this experience with three statements:         Processing problems in group are effective for the learning – In this course I have realized how effective it is for my learning to process a problem in a group. Every member of the group is a Lego brick in my learning. Our differences in experience, personality and backgrounds gives perspective and insights that has developed my knowledge.         Group work is difficult – I have realized that I need a lot of skills, especially social skills to be able to contribute in the group work. By knowing the skills and have them in my mind during a meeting I can help everyone to contribute to the group work and problem solving.           The need of structure and chaos – This is the most fun, but in the same time the most challenging part of this course. There is a good structure for t...

Design for online and blended learning

  Even though we did well during the pandemic, switching from campus-based lectures to online lectures there is a lot of challenges in transforming learning activities from a campus course to an online course. Most of lectures were just transcribed from IRL lectures to online lectures. A lot of teachers have been struggling with activities that didn´t work, the feeling of lecturing for a black wall, quite students and problems with examinations. I think that there is a lot more to learn on how to transform traditional education in a classroom to online classrooms and I think this pandemic have given us a lot of data to analyze and a lot of experience that we need to collect and learn from. This topic and the whole ONL course had a direct impact for me. Right now, I´m working on developing one online course and one distance course with blended learning. My teaching experience is long (28 years) and I have a lot of knowledge about digitalization of education, online- and blende...

Learning in communities - networked collaborative learning

I love collaborative learning and to be engaged in different communities of practice. For me it is a big part of my learning to process topics and content together with others. It makes me learn more and gives me a deeper understanding. But is collaborative learning and learning in communities, easy or not? I would say, it is not easy. First, collaborative work is hard to manage for those taking part in it. You need to be able to: listen reflect on other members way of thinking unpretentious creative fail take the time needed be worshipful to the members in the group Second, in a perspective of education there is a conflict between collaborative work and individual grades based on collaborative work. It is important to think through the arguments and to describe how the collaborative work is related to the individual assessment and grade. Though...

Open Learning - Sharing and Openness

This two weeks have been a challenge for me and I think also for our whole group. It was hard to find a common understanding of the topic and it was like we started all over every time we met.  Finally we decided to work in Miro, a digital tool for collaboration, of course free to join. I already had an account and was the one invited the others to a work board. What I did not know was that my Miro somehow was connected to my organisation MS Teams and that there were restrictions for how many boards to use for free. Suddenly when we where almost finished with our board everything were locked and we could not use the board anymore.  While I had to find a quick solution to submit our group work in time I had to make our presentation in another tool and for some reason I decided to use Microsoft whiteboard, and it was NOT a good chose. After sharing the link to the presentation I got e-mails from my team mates and from the course organizers that the link does not work. When looki...

Online participation and digital literacy

  I really enjoy the topic for this first two weeks of the ONL course, Online participation and digital literacy . It is great to work together with the members of my group and to learn more from and together with them. I’m really looking forward to our journey through this course . I have had to do with online participation and digital literacy for the past 10 years.  In 2010 working as a principal at a secondary school, I had the opportunity to be one of the schools in Luleå who got computers to every student. We were pilots and no one really knew what challenges we were going to struggle so there were a lot of learning by doing.  This journey made me very aware of how important digital literacy are for everyone and that it is important to learn the difference between personal and private on the internet. Who am I as an individual in the digital age? What about my own digital literacy and my identity on the web? As an individual in the digital age, I´m always curious on...

Ny höst och nya utmaningar

Nytt arbetsår med nya kollegor, nya arbetslokaler och delvis nya ansvarsområden är något som jag sett fram emot.  Att arbeta som pedagogisk utvecklare innebär att jag behöver ta mig tid att reflektera över det som händer i möten med lärare och hur jag utifrån mitt kompetenområde kan sötta dem på bästa möjliga sätt i deras funderingar och utmaningar.  Målet med mina och mina kollegors insatser är ju att de studenter som läser hos oss ska möta lärare som förstår att designa sina kurser på ett sätt som ökar studenternas möjligheter till ett bra lärande. Just denna höst kommer jag att delta i en kurs som heter ONL (open learning network), och jag kommer att använda min blogg för att göra reflektioner utifrån det vi bearbetar och lär oss i kursen. I kursen kommer vi att få möjlighet att utforska lärande via ett öppet nätverk, tillsammans med kollegor från hela världen, och i ett tvärvetenskapligt och tvärkulturellt sammanhang.

Agnetas tankar

I denna blogg kommer ni att få ta del av mina reflektioner kring sådant som jag stöter och blöter i vardagen i mitt arbete som pedagogisk utvecklare på vårt högskolepedagogiska centrum inom Luleå tekniska universitet.