Lessons learnt – future practice


It is almost three months since I started my ONL-journey, and I will try to summarize this experience with three statements:

  •        Processing problems in group are effective for the learning – In this course I have realized how effective it is for my learning to process a problem in a group. Every member of the group is a Lego brick in my learning. Our differences in experience, personality and backgrounds gives perspective and insights that has developed my knowledge.


  •      Group work is difficult – I have realized that I need a lot of skills, especially social skills to be able to contribute in the group work. By knowing the skills and have them in my mind during a meeting I can help everyone to contribute to the group work and problem solving.

  •         The need of structure and chaos – This is the most fun, but in the same time the most challenging part of this course. There is a good structure for the course, but it is up to every group to form the learning process. Our group meetings had some sort of chaos over them, and it always felt like we were behind the schedule for coming to a result.

In my first session as a moderator for the group, I had a lot of focus on the result and how we should present it in a creative way with hopefully a new digital tool. As I wrote earlier in my blog, the hole presentation of the topic failed. Did I learn something from that?

Yes, I realized that the learning I and the others of the group had in the topic wasn´t in the result but in the working process in both synchronous meetings and asynchronous work between the meetings.

From how our facilitators handled our group I have learnt to “sit still in the boat” and see what happens in the process. To be a coach and have trust in the group and only give advice when it is necessary works. Every group need some chaos before they can come to a good result.

In January I will have my first two university courses that I´m responsible for and I´m grateful for having learnt so much from this course that will be useful for me. For those of you who are interested I will share my experience and reflections here on my blog.

Thank you to my PBL- group, our facilitators and the whole ONL-team for all new insight you have given me during this three month.

We will meet again!


  1. Hi Agneta! Thanks for insightful and "spot on" statements - I really like them :-) Also very interesting and good sharing of your experiences based on being moderator and reflecting on the results vs. process. And finally, very true: "Every group need some chaos before they can come to a good result".....and what is the "results" :-)

  2. I love your "sit still in the boat" reference, Agneta. I hope we will keep in touch as it has been a pleasure being with you in the same "boat" and I learned a lot from you! Best of wishes, Cheah.


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